How will 2021 halving impact Bitcoin price
比特幣網絡每個區塊的創建速度為10分鐘,估計2020年5月14日 17:18:49將發生下一次的獎勵減半。2020年之前發生過兩次減半,下圖可以看出價格、產量、獎勵的關係。
第一次減半發生在2012年11月28日,從每塊50 BTC降低到25 BTC。當時BTC的美金價格為 $12.22,經過1年,飆升了約9000%至 $1178美元。
第二個減半發生在2016年7月9日。從每塊25 BTC降低到12.5 BTC。當時BTC的美金價格為 $657.61,經過1.5年,飆升了約3000%至歷史高點 $19800。
照著簡單的線圖,下一次歷史高點大約還需要三年,初步估計價格將會上升1000%,BTC的美金價格達到 $80000。獎勵減半的影響對於生態的影響很直接,如果礦工獲得的獎勵是迄今為止的一半,不是把挖礦成本降低一半,就是使採礦獲利而必須出售的價格將提高。除非挖礦的設備等又有突破性的進展,不然後者的機會較高。
What experts say about Halving of the reward
“I think Bitcoin’s halving in May could spike the price. I expect to see Bitcoin reach $11,000 around this time. The communities that believe in Bitcoin will continue to HODL, regardless of price fluctuations, and by now it’s clear that Bitcoin has proven itself as a long-term investment and store of value.”
Robert Beadles, President at Monarch
Monarch Token的總裁認為比特幣在五月份減半可能會導致價格飆升。他預計這次將看到比特幣達到11,000美元。不管價格波動如何,相信比特幣的人將繼續採用HODL,到現在為止,比特幣明顯明為一項長期投資和價值存儲媒介。
“The halving event is expected to be one of the primary focuses of the cryptocurrency markets in the first quarter of 2020. The anticipation of seeing a significate BTC price surge could be more visible as the May event approaches. However, we believe that the upside of the prices may not be as notable as the previous two halvings. On the other hand, seasonal pattern suggests that BTC may have higher volatility in April, May, October, and November. ”
Cyrus Ip, Research Alalyst at OKEx
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